St. Johns Virtual School is an online program of choice offered by the St. Johns County School District for grades k-12. We offer part time and full time enrollment. We offer enrollments from August until March of each school year. If students register before February they can carry their enrollments into the summer. Enrollments are through the FLVS platform but when registering, choose SJVS for the same quality content but with a local teacher from the #1 school district in the state of Florida.
St. Johns Virtual School is a virtual school where instruction is primarily provided in an online environment. Although students and teachers are separated by time and space, they work together to achieve high levels of learning. The virtual environment allows students to work on a flexible schedule and pace at the best time and place for them. The key to being successful in any virtual setting is to stay on or ahead of pace. Students that fall behind end up not retaining the information and can run the risk of failing.
St. Johns Virtual School brings together the best technologies, the best curriculum and most importantly, the best of St. Johns County teachers, who provide an incredible online experience for your child. We are always committed to educate your student in the best possible manner to achieve the highest levels of learning. Teachers and families work together to build relationships that allow for a personalized learning experience for each individual student.
Today, there are many learning options for students. These are some things that make St. Johns Virtual School different from other digital learning environments:
- We are a public school with the St. Johns County School district. All our teachers are local, providing multiple opportunities for face-to-face meetings with teachers and other virtual students.
- We are aligned to Florida Standards and use online resources, virtual lessons, teacher discussions, and a variety of assessment tools to help follow the course’s curriculum.
- As part of the online learning experience, virtual students will have the opportunity to attend live lessons with their academic teachers. Teachers will provide students and learning coaches with the dates and times for each course’s live lesson. Live lessons require active and engaging participation for all students.
- Starting in the 2022-2023 school year, SJVS is working with FLVS to ensure that the curriculum incorporates the new B.E.S.T. standards.
- SJVS is a program of choice. This means that each semester, SJVS will have an enrollment period for students who reside in St. Johns County, to apply to our program. Here Academic Acceptance team will look over each candidate to ensure that this unique situation is correct for your student.
SJVS expands the variety of academic opportunities for St. Johns County students and serves as one way to fulfill the online graduation requirement for Florida students. Students can work online anytime, any place.