How to Register for Full-time SJVS
Please note that as per Florida Statute, each school district will have at least one open enrollment period for full-time students of 90 days or more which ends 30 days before the first day of the school year. SJVS cannot accept any applications once the 30 day window has begun.
Know before you Enroll!!
A critical factor to successful virtual learning for any student is the involvement and support of the Learning Coach.
Virtual school allows the Learning Coach and student more flexibility than you would find in a traditional school. Virtual school students will not learn unless they are in a safe and secure learning environment.
The parent/guardian is solely responsible for student safety and security. Younger students should never be left at home alone during the school day and older students should be left alone only for limited amounts of time.
The Learning Coach’s level of involvement will vary based on the student’s grade and level of independence. It is recommended that you follow the guidelines below regarding assistance for students by grade level:
Elementary School Assistance level:
The parent/legal guardian or designated representative (Learning Coach) will need to provide substantial support to the student throughout the school day and should be with the student physically all day. Highly recommended that all students attend weekly English and Math live lessons.
Middle School Assistance level:
The parent/legal guardian or designated representative (Learning Coach) should be available to provide assistance to the student as needed throughout the day. The parent should be in the same general location all day, but may not need to be with the student at all times, depending on the student. Students are expected to be heavily independent as they navigate the courses. Recommend that students attend all live lessons each week.
High School Assistance level:
Students are expected to perform their schoolwork independently in high school. However, a parent/legal guardian or designated representative (Learning Coach) must still monitor progress and ensure that the student completes required course work. While students may not need constant adult supervision, they must still be in a safe and secure environment. Recommend that students attend all live lessons each week.
Students with IEP:
Required that students attend all live lessons and related services each week. Students that do not consistently attend live lessons and/or related services will be recommended to return to their zoned school.
Second Semester Seniors:
Please note that SJVS is unable to accept second semester seniors. As per guidelines set forth for earning a Florida diploma, a student must be enrolled in and complete 6 full credits with that institution in order to be eligible for a high school diploma.
The Learning Coach accepts the responsibility of supervising the student and ensuring that all work is completed and submitted.
Learning Coaches who consistently fail to meet these responsibilities will be required to return their student to their zoned school. This includes monitoring student grades and attendance, participating in monthly call requirements, providing transportation to the student for face to face learning sessions, testing, and attendance at student conferences.
Please note: Applying to SJVS does not guarantee acceptance into the full-time program.

2024-2025 St. Johns Virtual School Full-Time application is now CLOSED for Spring enrollment, January 2025.
Please note that students can apply for the FALL 2025 semester between April 11 – July 11, 2025.
Next Dates to Apply to Full-time SJVS
Spring 2025 Window - Closed
Please note that students can apply for the FALL 2025 semester between April 11 – July 11, 2025.