Live Lessons Schedules
One of the benefits of enrolling in the St. Johns Virtual School (SJVS) full-time program is that we offer dedicated times each week for your child to interact with teachers, ask questions, and receive teacher feedback to maximize their learning.
Each course has a set time where your teachers will go over the following:
- Reflection
- Items that were due the previous week will be revisited in order to build upon what is due during the current week.
- Learning Scale
- Using Nearpod, teachers can ask students to assess where they believe they are on the learning scale. This feedback helps the teacher determine whether to move forward or adjust the teaching sequence to better meet the students’ needs.
- Overview
- Teachers will provide a preview of upcoming content in the course and will highlight the fundamental concepts/ideas involved.
- Student Question and Answer time
- After reviewing critical content and upcoming due dates for the week, students will have access to their teachers to ask questions, get clarification or feedback on specific items, or complete a DBA for that specific course.
**Please pay close attention to the Module Reviews and/or Discussion-Based Assessments (DBAs) on the pacing chart. These live lessons are great opportunities to complete these items with your teacher.**
Elementary Live Lesson Schedule
We are moving forward with live lessons for Elementary to ensure that English Language Arts and Mathematics is covered each week. The live lessons for ELA and Math are HIGHLY Recommended for our elementary students to maximize their learning. Your teachers will provide the information for where each live lesson will be each week.
- Tier 2 and Tier 3 students are required to attend each week.
Added Bonus – Each Live lesson will involve working on one of the required assignments together.
Live Lessons Twice a Week
- Language Arts
- Grades KG & 2nd— Mondays 10:00 – 10:45am
- Grades 1st, 4th, 5th – Monday 11:00 – 11: 45am
- Grade 3rd – Tuesday 10:00 – 10:45am
- Mathematics
- Grades KG & 2nd— Wednesdays 10:00 – 10:45am
- Grades 1st, 4th, 5th – Wednesdays 11:00 – 11: 45am
- Grade 3rd – Thursday10:00 – 10:45am
Will Receive Weekly Video
- Social Studies
- Science
- Physical Education (PE)
Middle and High School Live Lesson Schedule
Middle and high school students greatly benefited from the ability to attend live lessons last year. Many families have wondered why we introduced live lessons, so let’s explore what it means to have live lessons at SJVS for middle and high school students.
- Attending the live lesson is not mandatory but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
- Tier 2 and Tier 3 students are required to attend each week.
- If you are working ahead of pace, then we recommend these times as just good times to know your teacher will be available if you have questions or need a DBA conducted.
- Side Note: Teachers will also have each week, open office hours
- Remember, the great thing about being in a virtual setting, is the flexibility to work ahead. Flexible in virtual does not mean falling behind.
- Live lessons are held at the same time each week. If a holiday or day off for students occur, then there will not be a make up day.
- Live lessons are another great way to get direct teacher feedback. However, remember that SJVS is built upon the notion of student independence.