What type of student would thrive in an online environment?
Students must demonstrate self-discipline in their work habits, embrace academic rigor, and maintain a growth mindset.
Part-time Options
Students have the option to enroll part time at SJVS. In this model, students take SJVS courses during the school day in a lab at their school of attendance or after school as an additional course. If you are looking to have your child take a SJVS course during the school day, the first step is to contact your child’s guidance counselor for placement, advisement and approval.
As an additional reminder, all standard policies in the student progression plan, including school based course request/registration and drop/add policies, apply to virtual courses.
Ready to Register for Courses? – CLICK HERE
Full-time Options
St. Johns Virtual School is a district school of choice. This means that students must apply and be accepted to SJVS. Acceptance is based on prior student grades, test scores, and student attendance. Full-time students must complete a minimum of 6 courses per semester and comply with all state course standards and assessment requirements.
Our selective process is grounded in the belief that if a student is not successful in the Full-Time program or decides to withdraw, it can significantly disrupt their graduation timeline.
Enrollment windows will open in April of each year. A second enrollment window, for second semester, will open in late November/early December.
Full-time Application Information – CLICK HERE