Empowering Minds, Anywhere, Anytime!   

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SJCSD Home Education Information

If you have questions directly related to Home Education please follow the link below for contact information.

SJCSD Home Education Website:

Home Education Student Taking SJVS Courses Requirements

  • If signing up for a SJVS course, please note that it is required to follow the district pacing guidelines. If you register later into a semester, it is important that you reach out to each of your teachers to create a plan to catch up with the pace and complete by the last student school day of each semester. 
  • SJVS is similar to FLVS Flex where courses can be started at anytime throughout the school year, but SJVS aims to align with the St. Johns County School District Master Calendar and have students remain on track with completing by the last day of each semester. Students must remain active and working each week in their courses and follow the district master calendar for completion. Failure to stay engaged and working could lead to withdrawal from SJVS courses. 
  • Home Education Elementary StudentPlease note that SJVS course registration does cut off preferred start dates after the first month of each semester (Ends August 31st for semester 1 and January 31st of each year). Please also note that SJVS elementary courses must be completed no later than the last day of each semester, SJVS elementary courses do not carry over  into the summer.
  • Home Education Middle and High School Student Please note that SJVS course registration does cut off preferred start dates from March 1 – July 31 each year (Summer). Please also note that SJVS middle and high school courses should be completed no later than the last day of each semester. 
  • If wishing to not follow the pacing requirements of SJVS, please make sure to register for FLVS courses instead of SJVS.

Important Information/Steps - Home Education Taking SJVS Courses

Please note. If you are planning on taking courses with SJVS, you must complete the residency required for all students. *Courses are unable to be approved with SJVS until all registration paperwork is received. Please click the button below to complete this paperwork.

Below are the steps needed to complete registering for virtual courses using St. Johns Virtual School Teachers after completing required SJCSD Home Education Steps

      1. Step #1: Register for Courses Steps:

        1. If needing to register a student in grades KG through 5th, Please Click Here -or-

        2. : If needing to register a student in grades 6 through 12th, Please Click Here

      2. Step #2: Please make sure you create your Parent/Guardian Account – For Information on completing, Please Click Here

      3. Step #3: Residency Must be Completed if wishing to enroll into SJVS Courses. After registering for SJVS courses, please complete the SJCSD Registration. CLICK HERE to COMPLETE

Home Education Student Taking SJVS Courses vs Full-time SJVS Enrollment

Please see below to understand the difference between Home Education students taking SJVS Courses and a Full-time SJVS student. 

Home Education Student

SJVS Full-time Student

Ability to Use FLVS Curriculum 

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St. John’s County Teacher with FLVS Curriculum


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SJVS Administration Help and Guidance



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Will earn a High School Diploma



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